
Presentations at the I Madrid Subterra Congress

Madrid Subterra, is a group of public and private organizations that we want a more autonomous energy model.

You can now consult Eneres' presentation on the latest trends in the energy use of urban subsoil.

Presentation by José Fernández, founding partner of Eneres.

I International Congress Madrid Subterra

José Fernández unveiled one of Eneres' "unique projects".

Already available on the web of Madrid Subterra all the presentations in presentation and video format of the I Madrid Subterra Congress. The event was held on October 17 in the Retiro Park (Madrid). The theme of the congress was the energetic use of the urban subsoil. The congress was organized by the Association Madrid Subterraa group of public and private organizations of which Eneres is a partner. José Fernández, founding partner of Eneres, presented in the first block of papers one of his "singular projects": energy recovery in the tunnels of Madrid Calle30

Through his presentation, José Fernández made the attendees feel the reality of the use of underground energy. The project for Madrid Calle30, also a partner of Madrid Subterra, has achieved great energy savings, becoming a benchmark in this type of intervention. 

Access to José Fernández's presentation in PDF format

Listen to José Fernández's presentation. 

Access all the presentations and videos of the I Madrid Subterra Congress. 

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